Any respect I had for the UN disappeared on witnessing Saudi, Iran and that fiction “Palestine” at the table. Yecch 🤮! I hope our PM can resist, even reject, the UN’s call for acceptance of immigrants from wherever – or at least its imposition of quotas
The only Arabic nation I have any respect for (you don’t hear much of it in the News, do you?) is Jordan. I have reasons:
1. Their king Hussein was a very active fellow-Radio Amateur, and so *very* communicative and worldly-wise. (so, indeed, was his Queen Noor). Though having conquered the West Bank (of the River Jordan) he ceded it back to Israel (and look at what the modern Islam of that fiction ‘Palestine’ is doing now). Seems those going there were a good riddance.
2. Hussein’s heir, present King Abdullah, though not a ‘Ham’ himself, is well aware of the benefits of his father’s style of stewardship and has continued that trend. e.g. women in Jordan have far greater freedoms than in other Arab states. It is to be hoped Crown Prince Hussein continues this course in his turn.
3. Under their reign Jordan has become a stalwart buffer between Israel (and the West) and the ravening hordes of modern Islam. It remains so as much as it can, though those others are bypassing it. Its Hashemite Islam is truer to its pre-Koran roots (though there is supposedly a direct connection to Muhammad)* and so peaceful. A visit by Prince Hassan (to Christchurch post-atrocity) has reinforced my hope – he has my thanks.
*lending credence to my endorsing the theory that Mohammad was just a popular flowery poet (even if a child-raping misogynist, the ‘norm’ of the time) from Mecca whose works were bastardized by the thugs at Modena intent on pillaging the rich Jewish and Christian traders of the Silk Road.
Being retired (arm retard , that from an Amateur Radio group) and dependent on unaffordable mobility (see why in the main blog), I’m a contributor to the Facebook group Kiwis United Against the Radical Islamification of New Zealand, and though much there is knee-jerk, as it is in general there and the ‘net and media – and indeed life – in general, there are valid points made, including other International political views. I try to put well-considered points where appropriate. I shudder at the prospect of future generations of Kiwis forced into that brutish life, and the nation reduced to desert, or totally depopulated and abandoned for the ‘homely’ desert of neighbouring Aussie, as it typically is by those ravening hordes. I value both my Scots-Euro heritage and the part-Maori of my eldest (step-)grandkids. AND THEY’RE HEADING OUR WAY! Think their purge from Myanmar (Rohingya are Muslim) will stem the tide? Think again – then consider the place they were kicked out of: had they done anything for themselves or their hosts (rent, same as Palestine
) during their occupation? Would any better occur here? China has done (or is doing) likewise – more brutally!
Islam’s ‘saints’ are those who publicly behead infidels. By tradition, that’s by knife – scimitars are too obvious, so tradition arms Muslims with a knife. The old English tradition of public hanging, for terrorists should be re-instituted: just as inexpensive (apart from the venue). I’d follow that with quiet disposal of corpse by abattoir for ‘blood-and-bone’ fertilizer – might do the land some good.
Another tradition, this time from the USA: I hope they retain the right to bear arms. That, together with the current upsurge of Christianity there (and hopefully emphasis on that neglected “as thyself”) just might be the West’s salvation, and if pursed thoroughly even reduce crime!
If you think This is contrary to my earlier ‘Religiosophy‘ post, think again: this is historical, factual and political.
To continue that last paragraph: I’ve just read a summary of Denise A Spellberg’s treatise: “Thomas Jefferson’s Qur’an (Islam and The Founders)”, and it reinforces my early impression: that Islam is FAR FROM a religion of peace. It may well have been pre-Mohammed, but the Qur’an destroyed that. Are NZ’s mosques teaching from the Qur’an (and/or its derivatives)? Personally, I hope not, but if so they deserve a more thorough version, military and officially sanctioned, of the March attack/s. Have we the snoop-tech and translators to determine their dogma?
Also, several other lessons: Jefferson’s refusal of ransom for the Barbary Pirates should have been duplicated by the response to the Arab states’ ransom of their oil reserves. Capitulation there and the subsequent hikes gave them the capital for armaments and mobility, and the Marines’ response to the Pirates needs the same response by Israel to clear out the festering cesspool of Gaza – salutary lesson for Palestine, the similar infestation of the West Bank (of Jordan), to secure Suez and Sinai and cut off North African access by Saudi, thereby breaking the world-girdling trend of Islam’s infestations. (view an Atlas: from the mid-east the west is blocked by the Atlantic, with North Africa inundated and Europe under severe stress. the east has a minor gap at India/Sri Lanka, otherwise all the way to the Philippines: look out Panama!)
Further comment in http://gruntleme.blogtown.co.nz/chris-lam