Not a kneejerk
In the wake of the Christchurch debacle, we are left with a conundrum: How do we consider Islam as a whole?
On the one hand we have the people of Christchurch and New Zealand united in condemnation of an incident and its causes in a way that has given a lead to the integration of Islam (as its professed Religion Of peace) into overall Human Society. Jordan, an Islamic-faith neighbour of the toxic radical Islam, has joined with most of the world (the thinking world?) in that condemnation.
On the other we have Turkey, another such neighbour, with its inflammatory threat to those merely wishing to commemorate and mourn an incident of vastly greater loss of life.
Go figure, folks! How can we (as a World) Educate such Ignorance?
I step back from the immediacy of today’s turmoil to look at a wide vista, going back even to year dot:
‘Spirituality’ is a mental condition. It can uplift, but it is a distraction that inhibits or destroys true advancement. To the individual it can be intoxicating, and if ‘religiously’ pre-conditioned will be attributed to that religion’s dogma, determining that to be the ‘right path’ – and anything else the wrong!
The ‘Western’ World gains its morality/ethics from the Judaeo-Christian religions (in my view derived from 500-years-earlier Buddhism), welcoming and nurturing, and has materially profited from that. The Muslim world derives its morality/ethics from Islam, with its very name meaning Submission, originally to the “will of Allah” – fine for the individual to accept, but an imposition if forced. In modern terms it can also be called Slavery – to the dictates of The Qur’an, a far different animal.
‘Spirituality’ is, at root, primitive, with gods then ‘God’ or ‘Allah’ as the big beard in the sky that causes good or ill to befall humans. Predominantly male because it’s the big strong men that go out to do battle with whatever adversity strikes, while the wonenfolk beget and raise the kids back in the cave (home). The religions spawned from those pagan roots are merely the result of localized (by nation following conquest) grouping together for strength.
The Judaeo-Christian West has progressed partly by harnessing woman-power in all ventures, where Islam still hides women away under burka/hijab and relegates them back to the cave (or as playthings in the harem), relying on their procreation to swell the population and thereby the armies.
The Western world had an earlier (proper English) term for what we now call Islam which I feel is more appropriate these days: MOHAMMEDan/ism. That term described the followers of Mohammed, via his doctrine/dogma as recorded/written: The Qu’ran. Modern research reveals Mohammed as a ‘man of his time’, with the morality of the time, a flowery poet. It also reveals The Qur’an as a collection of his works, published post-mortem by a couple of centuries, doubtlessly using its popularity as a vehicle to promulgate the editors’ animosities: a thorough reading of it reveals a liberal sprinkling of vituperative exhortations and instructions to kill/behead/rape/enslave Jews and Christians. This dogma is what fuels today’s Islam, as enacted overseas and from which our immigrants/refugees have fled. The Islam our refugees wish to follow is the millennia-earlier ‘personal’ Islam, as still practiced in Jordan. This is dependent on the Imams’ wisdom and censorship of the Qur’an – violating its doctrinal lock-into-permanence and so making them (and their followers) Non-Muslim! Further, admittance of Islamic schooling WILL indoctrinate the young of our refugees in that toxic culture.
Go figure.
As a Westerner, I really cannot conceive of an intelligent human forcing ‘belief’ on another. In the West we do that to Criminals – those who choose to follow a destructive path – for the protection of others, and (hopefully) for their betterment.
Islam has thus stagnated materially and continues its ever-greater envy of the West. Its only material advancement has been – as it always has – by pillage, violent or insidious. I both fear and pity them.
I would recommend a simple remedy: outlaw Muslim ownership of land or structure. That will make our nation toxic to Islam, cutting off any ‘foothold’: no devout Muslim will tolerate tenancy under a kafir/infidel owner. This would have multiple benefits: less insidious overtake (doubtless funded from overseas by Oil income), less border-patrol stress (boat people or sneaking via Aussie), Less social/societal upheaval (differing morality) …
Entry into NZ should be by first shedding the cultural trappings – perhaps, and only perhaps, initially appropriate to the climate and desert terrain of Mohammed’s time – and at least dress more appropriately in a manner appropriate to NZ/Aotearoa’s climate and prevailing culture.
‘Homegrown’? they’ll flee or convert. Vested interest? reverts to Crown – prior ownership recognised? Position of secular status? Stripped (to ‘homegrown’ status) or convert (experience should have hammered into them the personal benefits).
April 30, 2019@ 3:09 am
Your opinion is much significant for readers who clearly understand how much you are devoted to this issue.
June 4, 2019@ 6:01 pm
Religious orientation of a person is able to give faith in the future and overcome temporary life difficulties.
June 14, 2019@ 7:58 am
… leaving the sufferer still open to the affliction. Advancement/evolution is the true solution: please (re-)visit “logicity”.
June 4, 2019@ 7:53 pm
Thanks for that.
on M’s foillowing as a poet, taking his flowery verse and injecting their thuggish vitriol. I must (reluctantly) admire their opportunism and skill.
… as indeed should every Westerner – particularly politicians.
I’ve gained further insight: it would seem Mohammed was not the author of the Qur’an, it was written (much like the Bible) hundreds of years later – likely coat-tailing (goat-tailing?
Read also ../religiosophy, logicity, and i-slam.
June 14, 2019@ 4:21 am
I would actually like to know how spirituality may be connected to mental health and how it can be easily incorporated in certain situations.
June 14, 2019@ 7:53 am
I’m reluctant to ‘approve’ this POV (though my moderation panel only allows approval with reply):
I consider “spirituality” to be an altered state of consciousness, yes, but dead-ended: if you like, a sticking-plaster over the wound. All that is really needed is a step back from the immediate situation to ask “Why?” – and ever-deeper “Why that?”: Resolution will naturally occur given honest answers, preferably by the sufferer, but also by the consultant/counselor (a Herculean ask of any Government Servant).
December 21, 2020@ 9:03 pm
Replying to myself again (Dec21, 2020):
I’ve been educated! a ‘google’ search of ‘hashemite’, the Islam of Jordan, confirms my suspicion that it is the pre-Qur’an Islam, submission to the ‘will of Allah’ and thus peaceful. Hashem was the grandfather of Muhammad, and that makes today’s Islam submission to the dictates of the Qur’an.