If the ‘powers that be’ actually THINK – or even CAN, beyond their documented dogma of process and procedure! – they’ll realize that children and their families are actually human, and as such subject to Civil Law. Sorta obsoletes Family Court, dunnit? And when you consider this, it also means that child abuse IS ABUSE, and thus subject to Civil Law, making the perpetrator no different than any other THUG!
Further, any CYFS/OT caregiver found abusing is likewise a Thug. – and even further, the historic and ongoing abuse of families (upliftings etc.) by CYFS/OT itself are the actions of a thug, making Government a THUG!
Pure logic, folks!
And this won’t become sane and civil until the Oranga-tang Gang / Ministry for Children is dismantled, with MSD governING and supporting Social (Community) Agencies to GUIDE families to better modes of being. MSD would thus actually EARN its given title and no longer be the Ministry of Societal Destruction! Sorry to ‘harp on’, but:
And that message needs to be in front of our Prime Minister: the only person with the ‘clout’ to effect the change in structure!
Our present PM is ideal for this: Labour’s “take care of the people…” philosophy, plus her concern and empathy for those in dire straits as demonstrated in Christchurch, should put that as a prime concern. Tinkering with the existing system can make minor changes, but continuance as-is generates ever-greater brutal thuggery: Social Workers as Government Servants bears extreme risk of TOXICITY!
December 21, 2020@ 8:12 pm
Replying to myself, Dec 21 2020:
There is now another Government ‘stream’ of Social development in NZ, with Aotearoa’s Maori political Party weighing in with Whanau Ora (English translation: Family Health) building organically to supplant the rigid hierarchy of faux-‘Hori’ Oranga Tamariki, the re-named CYFS (a.k.a. the ‘Orangatang Gang’).
There is also a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the entire Colonial imposition 4-cup, and I have given my thoughts there, largely what I have posted here.
It is my hope that Whanau Ora will succeed with a return to the ancient wisdom of “It takes a Village to raise a Child” (not a bloody Nation!).