My input to Boycott Halal New Zealand, October 28, 2018
Halal funds Islam. As a personal religion on its home turf it was fine, but the transport age alerted the world to its presence, *and vice versa* – the resulting diaspora only revealed by the modern information age – and with that its pernicious pervasive viral international spread, by population, with their culture of “an unfertilized ovum is an abomination” and motherhood from first fertility to last. The only nations *not* to have experienced its violent “submit or you die” ruin have been those that have not allowed it in, Poland being the leading light.
A recent post elsewhere has given a valid means of purge and exclusion: outlaw Muslim ownership of land. No Muslim will tolerate tenancy to an infidel. No mosques needed or even thought of…
A shame; the Arab world gave great art, science, engineering etc., Mathematics (al-gebra), astrology (Christ’s ‘wise men of the East’), astronomy (ever wondered at the weird names of the major stars? They’re Arabic!)
My view: *any* theism is a fairy-tale; Christianity is useful moral guidance (incidentally derived from Buddhism) in Primary School, but limiting of natural intelligence – particularly from Intermediate (Junior High?) on with development of critical thinking: the Scientific Method of asking “why” and the same of the answers given.
Islam is NOT: it is the ‘antiChrist’ predicted in the Bible – it only took a few centuries to arise, and has festered over the centuries since. Peruse their Qur’an and see the liberal sprinkling of hate/enslave/maim/kill there.
Churches: more emphasis needed on the “as thyself” that every time in the Bible follows “love thy neighbour” – and follow the logical corollaries and results – would be a good start.